Our Programs
For over 10 years, Em’s Spotlight has been making dreams a reality for families of limited means. Serving over 600 people a year through 7 programs, Em’s Spotlight provides exercise, creativity, exposure to the arts, a boost to self esteem and FUN - all free of charge!
Dancing After School
We provide dance classes directly to the child’s after school care facility. This gives our dancers a way to creatively expel that “stored up” energy and helps them settl
+Dance Attire Loan Program
Any individual who is in any dance class may borrow free of charge dance shoes, attire or equipment to help keep the cost of dance down. We also serve schools and church groups.
+Dancing Through The Summer
Free dance lessons for urban core children held during their school day at the summer school they attend. This includes 16 dance lessons, drinks, dance wear, costumes and recital.